Full Stack Development

About me

I am a passionate full-stack developer with a broad and versatile coding skill set. I have a vast array of knowledge in many different front end and back end languages, responsive frameworks, databases and best code practices. I am dedicated to perfecting myself by learning from more seasoned developers and continuously making strides to learn all that I can about development.

Salvo Dragotta

MVC Tech Blog

A CMS-style blog site similar to a Wordpress site, where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers’ posts as well. The app follows the MVC paradigm in its architectural structure, using Handlebars.js as the templating language, Sequelize as the ORM, and the express-session npm package for authentication.

GitHub Repository for MVC Tech Blog

Note Taker

This application uses an Express.js back end to save and retrieve note data from a JSON file. This app is also live on Heroku.

GitHub Repository for Note Taker


The COVID-19-Tracker allows users to select a country and view COVID-19 data including confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries. Data is fetched from the Covid-19 Rapid API and rendered via Chart.js. Users can also select a previous date and view the COVID-19 totals up to that date. User searches are stored in local storage and appended below the search bar.

GitHub Repository for COVID-19 Tracker

Weather Dashboard

This is a weather forecast dashboard app. Users are able to enter a city name in the search box and have current weather conditions displayed for that city, as well a five day forecast. Searched cities will be added below the search button and can be clicked on to display that cities weather data again.

GitHub Repository for Weather Dashboard

Day Scheduler

A simple calendar application that allows a user to save events for each hour of the day. This app will run in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by jQuery. Bootstrap and Moment.js are also used.

GitHub Repository for Work Day Scheduler

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